Theme Panel: State of the Discipline in the Era of Democratic Discontent

State of the Discipline in the Era of Democratic Discontent

Connecting the Dots: From the APSA Sexual Harassment Survey to Studying Gender
Gender Disparities Throughout Political Science
Selecting in or Selection out? Gender gaps and political methodology in Europe
Gender Bias in IR Graduate Education? New evidence from syllabi
How Submission Practices Affect Publication Patterns in Political Science
Democratic implications of a mostly white discipline: Recruitment and Hiring
Democratic implications of a mostly white discipline: Teaching and Research
Studying American Muslims While Muslim: Challenges and Opportunities


Janelle Wong, (Chair)
Dara Z. Strolovitch, Princeton University (Presenter)
Nadia E. Brown, Purdue University (Presenter)
Lisa Garcia Bedolla, University of California, Berkeley (Presenter)
Amanda Friesen, IUPUI (Chair)
Yanna Krupnikov, Stony Brook University (Discussant)
Paula D. McClain, Duke University (Presenter)
Mala Htun, University of New Mexico (Presenter)
Errol A. Henderson, Pennsylvania State University (Presenter)
Stephanie McNulty, Franklin and Marshall College (Presenter)
Jane Y. Junn, University of Southern California (Presenter)
Mary Hawkesworth, Rutgers University (Presenter)
Robin L. Turner, Butler University (Presenter)
Kennan Ferguson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (Presenter)
Ido Oren, University of Florida (Presenter)
Julia S. Jordan-Zachery, Providence College (Presenter)
Erin Tolley, University of Toronto (Presenter)
Karam Dana, University of Washington (Chair)
Dalia Fikry Fahmy, Long Island University, Brooklyn (Presenter)
Nazita Lajevardi, UCSD (Presenter)
Hajer Al-Faham, University of Pennsylvania (Presenter)
Kassra AR Oskooii, University of Delaware (Presenter)
Youssef Chouhoud, University of Southern California (Presenter)