Career Encounters: Francisco Rodriguez

I wanted to be a lawyer from the time I was a little kid because the way I got to this country and the way we grew up. We grew up very poor I’m Cuban. I was born in Cuba, left there when I was 12 years old. Through the hardships that they go through gave you a certain heightened sense of wanting justice in the world and when I found out where lawyer was that just seems like, I think, that was a very honorable thing to do.

I wanted to do political science because I wanted to know why the system worked and why the system wasn’t working in many ways. Why there are so many people in the United States who are impoverished. You can’t just figure that out by watching TV or by learning science or some other career. You have to actually study the political systems. You have to study some philosophy, you have to study some some economics and have to put those together and political science does that to a great extent.

I am a trustee for the Hispanic Bar Association in the State of New Jersey. The organization exists, one, to assist Hispanic attorneys and minority attorneys in general, really. The other thing that the organization does is try to increase minority representation both in the courts and in government. What I do for a living as a lawyer is I’m a medical negligence lawyer. I wanted to actually help real people, not companies, not government entities  – actual people who very much are deserving the help. It is helping people one at a time just by doing the law I practice in and of itself.

I wanted to be a lawyer from the time I was a little kid because the way I got to this country and the way we grew up. We grew up very poor I’m Cuban. I was born in Cuba, left there when I was 12 years old. Through the hardships that they go through gave you a certain heightened sense of wanting justice in the world and when I found out where lawyer was that just seems like, I think, that was a very honorable thing to do. I wanted to do political science because I wanted to know why the system worked and why the system wasn’t working in many ways. Why there are so many people in the United States who are impoverished. You can’t just figure that out by watching TV or by learning science or some other career. You have to actually study the political systems. You have to study some philosophy, you have to study some some economics and have to put those together and political science does that to a great extent. I am a trustee for the Hispanic Bar Association in the State of New Jersey. The organization exists, one, to assist Hispanic attorneys and minority attorneys in general, really. The other thing that the organization does is try to increase minority representation both in the courts and in government. What I do for a living as a lawyer is I’m a medical negligence lawyer. I wanted to actually help real people, not companies, not government entities – actual people who very much are deserving the help. It is helping people one at a time just by doing the law I practice in and of itself.

The video clip above was taken from Career Encounters: Political Science which APSA released in 2000. The documentary-style video features people from across the US who studied political science and discuss how their political science backgrounds have been critical to their vocations, their avocations, and their general lives. Career Encounters feature careers that can be launched with undergraduate degrees as well as graduate degrees.